Radio ads hitting key lawmakers in debate over nuclear subsidies

COLUMBUS -- "A newly formed organization that is fighting against the new clean air/nuclear bailout legislation under debate in the Ohio House is hitting two Republican lawmakers with radio attack ads.

The Ohio Consumers Power Alliance, which calls itself a statewide consumer advocacy group focused on keeping energy rates low through a diversified energy portfolio, is going after Rep. Shane Wilkin, R-Hillsboro, a prime sponsor of the bill, and Rep. Dick Stein, R-Norwalk, chairman of the subcommittee hearing the bill.

...Rachael Belz, project director for the Ohio Consumers Power Alliance, testified against House Bill 6 on Tuesday, calling it a 'creative approach used to disguise a consumer-funded bailout of two old, outdated nuclear plants as a comprehensive energy policy to reduce carbon emissions.'

Belz, who also is executive director of Ohio Citizen Action, a grassroots mobilizing organization, said the new Power Alliance was formed three weeks ago and is funded by individuals and groups backing the Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund.

'Not one penny of our Ohio consumer dollars should be spent to bail out these plants,' she said."

-- Jim Siegel, Columbus Dispatch

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