Cleveland Council President Wants Wind Turbine Restrictions Removed

CLEVELAND -- "The ruling should be revisited, Kelley said, especially as state legislators are being investigated for an alleged racketeering scheme tied to a nuclear bailout bill.

'This action was taken basically to stop an emerging renewable technology, and the reason I think that is, who has an interest in this not succeeding, and why?' Kelley said. 'This is no time to be making decisions that are not fully transparent, not fully justified. This decision is not supported by the record, plain and simple.'

City council is expected to vote on a resolution in connection with the Icebreaker decision Aug. 26. A bipartisan coalition in the Ohio General Assembly requested a rehearing on the decision, and the Ohio Power Siting Board is expected to review an application from the project developers to reconsider the restrictions."

--Taylor Haggerty, WCPN

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