Despite the growing pile of evidence condemning HB 6 as the product of a $61 million bribery scheme, Ohio lawmakers refuse to give HB 6 repeal the serious attention it deserves.
Ohio House Speaker Bob Cupp and Chairman of the Ohio House Select Committee Jim Hoops have rejected efforts to bring HB 6 repeal bills to a vote. In fact, Committee Chairman Hoops recently announced that the Committee will not meet to consider a repeal of HB 6 until further notice.
That's why we and our allies are putting together a series of virtual public hearings for the community to tell our legislators why we need HB 6 repealed.
Ohio House Speaker Bob Cupp and Chairman of the Ohio House Select Committee Jim Hoops have rejected efforts to bring HB 6 repeal bills to a vote. In fact, Committee Chairman Hoops recently announced that the Committee will not meet to consider a repeal of HB 6 until further notice.
That's why we and our allies are putting together a series of virtual public hearings for the community to tell our legislators why we need HB 6 repealed.
We will host virtual public hearings on:
Tuesday, October 27 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Thursday, October 29 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Sign up to testify here.
Testimonies will be kept brief, at two minutes. See below for prompts to help you write your testimony, as well as some helpful tips.
When writing your testimony, consider the following:
- We elect our leaders to represent us. What does it mean to you, as a resident of Ohio ,when laws that govern your life are passed through multi-million dollar bribery schemes?
- HB 6 is raising the cost of our electric bills and, in total, is expected to cost Ohioans $1.5 billion. If this bill wasn't raising your energy costs, consider how would you instead spend that money. What necessities would you be able to more easily pay for, or what additional opportunities could you provide for your family?
- HB 6 strips away clean energy programs that have protected Ohioans’ health during this pandemic. Why is it important to you that we preserve clean energy programs and jobs? How will this impact you, your family, or your community?
Here are some general tips for testimony:
- Keep your oral testimony to 2 minutes or less of just-the-facts, most compelling evidence. Write it down and read it. By doing so, you make sure your main points aren’t lost, you facilitate better attention from those present, and you respect the time of others who wish to testify. Your written testimony can be as long and involved as you feel necessary.
- Keep your voice slow and steady and make eye contact with your camera while reading your testimony, if possible. Although these public hearings are over Zoom, eye contact is still important!
- State who you are, your city, affiliations, credentials or other reasons why you have standing to offer this testimony.
- If you have a story to tell, tell it simply and from your point of view.
- State whether you are in favor or opposition to the legislation being considered.
- If you have recommendations to change a piece of legislation or solve a problem, include them in your introduction and again at the end.
- f you have documents, photos or other information to back up your testimony, include them with your written testimony.
Now is the time to stand up and speak out for HB 6 repeal. We're glad to have you with us in this fight.

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